Aim high, shoot for the sky
It’s been a while since I published something over here and I thought it might be a good idea to continue my list of tools and add a list of services I am using. Things might double with tools I installed on my Macs and PCs, but still, they should rather be listed as a service than as an application.
As the title might suggest, we’re aiming high for the sky and have a look at Cloud services today.
Actually, it comes down to three services I use regularly:
Dropbox to keep my files available across devices. After dropping the Strato HiDrive for being too slow and unflexible, I wrote a small script to copy all the files from there over to my Dropbox. Doing this server-side allowed me to save bandwidth on my local network.
I’ve got quite some work to do to sort everything out and put it in the right place in the new home. I created a Dropbox app and allowed it to access a whole subfolder, so I was not limited to some filetypes, but could put every file in there. Migrating about 300 GB of small files, fetching them via FTP and putting them back online on the Dropbox took about five days to complete. Which was a pain. Also, whenever I turned on one of my devices, it said every now and then “45.000 files synced”. This was the point when I started changing the Selective Sync presets to fetch only some folders and not all of them.
Wunderlist to keep myself organized. As I am feeling pretty devastated right now, I have to put in things like “Get up” or “Eat breakfast”, as I wouldn’t be able to keep on track otherwise. Thus, it is one of the most important services in my life right now.
GitLab is where I organize my development projects. Creating and solving issues is what I do most of the day. As I am working on mostly private projects, it’s simpler for me to have this on a private server rather than having it hosted on Github. Running my own server, I am able to customize the environment as required and also run the tests directly on the same server.
Any services you use in your day-to-day job or life? Let me know!