I sat down and touched my PS4 after probably more than a year and updated it to the hackable firmware 5.05. I dropped the Arch Linux-based Psxitarch Linux v2 on a thumb drive and booted into Linux on my black pearl. Soon enough I figured out how to use pacmac (coming from Ubuntu, I am […]

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It’s been a while since the last post. So, what happened? I’ve been working on some of my side projects, two which I am going to share in this post. On the other hand, I broke myself a leg, that’s where the title comes from… Well, back to the side projects: I wrote two WordPress […]

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It’s been a while since I published something over here and I thought it might be a good idea to continue my list of tools and add a list of services I am using. Things might double with tools I installed on my Macs and PCs, but still, they should rather be listed as a […]

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Let’s talk about a tool I just recently installed on my MacBook: Adobe Edge Animate. Let me quote the description from the official product’s page: Edge Animate CC. Create interactive and animated web content. Edge Animate lets web designers create interactive HTML animations for web, digital publishing, rich media advertising and more, reaching both desktop and […]

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After I finished watching the whole Fringe series, I started feeling a little bit like Dr. Walter Bishop, who worked on a lot of secret governmental projects. He had to stay for seventeen years at the St. Clair’s Hospital due to mental illness raised by uncontrolled self-medication. When he left the institution, he was hired by the FBI to help them […]

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