A few weeks ago I spend some days in Zurich, Switzerland with my best friend. In preparation of this happening we decided to have some Skype calls and tried to figure out which movies we should watch once I would be there. A very long time ago we already discussed the idea of having a […]

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Finally, after hitting the next semester break, I found some spare time to have a closer look at the Adobe XD developer documentation. My interest came up early in the past semester when I started the Software Group project in the university with a bunch of other students. We were introduced to Capgemini – our […]

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I sat down and touched my PS4 after probably more than a year and updated it to the hackable firmware 5.05. I dropped the Arch Linux-based Psxitarch Linux v2 on a thumb drive and booted into Linux on my black pearl. Soon enough I figured out how to use pacmac (coming from Ubuntu, I am […]

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It’s been a while since the last post. So, what happened? I’ve been working on some of my side projects, two which I am going to share in this post. On the other hand, I broke myself a leg, that’s where the title comes from… Well, back to the side projects: I wrote two WordPress […]

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