Helmholtz-Gymnasium Bielefeld entry

I was heading home yesterday from my parents and I was thinking of what I should be doing today. None of my clients contacted me for today, so I was quite happy to do some organizational stuff on my own.

Just before I headed to bed I had a brief look at my iPhone. An email! I was almost deleting it straight from the lock screen because of the title, but I decided to read it, because part of the email’s title seemed to be the name of my former high school I was visiting until 2011.

And in fact, it was a mail from a student teacher, who got my mail address from my former German teacher. She asked me for helping her with her project she briefly laid out: She wanted to create a podcast series about the places of interest in Bielefeld with her students.

Every podcast needs some additional information and metadata like meta tags, a description, cover art and so on. That is what I got from that article about podcasting on Buzzsprout. Another article about podcasting I was recommended from @Matt_Aunger is that one from Brian Lovin who does the Design Details podcast.

And to have thrilling images, I was asked to show her students how to take good photos. I’m looking forward to this, because Danny just gifted me the German book “Fotos nach Rezept: Schritt für Schritt zum perfekten Foto” and now, I have a reason to read it. I would have moved it some weeks until everything was sorted out in my new apartment, but now, there is a certain urge to do so now.

I said I would volunteer for the project and I’m looking forward to help them getting things done. A lot of stuff needs to be prepared, and hopefully the meeting tomorrow will shed some light on the aims of this project. Maybe we could integrate some sort of workflow theories into the class, that would be something the students can use at a later point of time in their job, eventually.

Are you podcasting on your own? If so, do you have good resources to share?
Or do you listen to podcasts? If so, what should not be missed? What do you like most on your favorite podcast?
Feel free to post links and useful resources in the comments! Also, do you have any podcasts you want to recommend? You may share them too!